Selasa, 19 April 2016

My Opinion about nasa news that this year our earth wil be attacked by Meteors or asteroids

This news from Daily newsletter By

     Nasa has reported that a truck-sized meteor slammed into the Earth's atmosphere at a speed of 41,600mph on 6 February 2016, exploding with a force equivalent to 13,000 tonnes of TNT – nearly matching the 15,000 tonnes force of the 'Little Boy' atomic bomb which levelled the city of Hiroshima in 1945. Luckily, the point of entry into the Earth's atmosphere was 600 miles east of Rio de Janeiro and the ensuing impact was too small to generate a tsunami.
No-one was injured and there were no eye-witness reports. However, what concerns astronomers is the fact that no-one saw the meteor coming. No-one was injured and there were no eye-witness reports. However, what concerns astronomers is the fact that no-one saw the meteor coming.
Every day the Earth is bombarded with around 100 tonnes of space debris, mostly tiny rocks and sand which burn up high in the atmosphere. Every few years a larger asteroid hits the earth, such as the one that hit the Russian city of Chelyabinsk in February 2013.
That meteor, estimated to be 19m across, had a force of 500,000 tonnes of TNT, making it 40 times more powerful than the 6 February meteor, which was around 7m across. The problem with these smaller asteroids of between 10-50 metres is that they are too small to spot in the vastness of space, but potentially large enough to destroy a city if they hit one head on.
Nasa's Near Earth Object Program, which listed the 6 February impact, documents both those asteroids which hit the Earth and near-misses, which happen with surprising regularity. A 30m rock is expected to skim past the Earth in March 2016. However astronomers are reasonably certain that no huge asteroids will hit the Earth within the next 100 years, and are confident they will have enough warning to do something about it.
One possibility would be sending a small spacecraft with enough mass to "pull" the meteor off a collision course with gravity. This is seen as less risky than some other strategies, such as blowing up the asteroid, as that would simply send a shower of fragments towards Earth, affecting a much larger area.
Phil Plait, who writes the Bad Astronomy blog for Slate, says the risks to Earth are small but we should keep watching the skies. "A rock this small is almost impossible to see more than a few hours before impact, but the flip side is that it's also really unlikely to do any damage.
"But once they get into the 20–50 metre range that changes; explosions from impacts like that rival nuclear bombs. Happily, they're very rare – here we're talking fewer than once per century, statistically speaking – but it would be nice if we knew they were coming. It's hard to say just what we would do if we saw one, but right now we don't even have that option."

Here’s my comments about NASA recently updated about Earth will be wipe out by a Meteorite in 2016 : 

 " As we know until now the earth is still in good condition, the absence of catastrophic meteor or asteroid that fell to Earth. Due to the atmospheric layer that still protects the Earth from the threat of foreign object space. And Various studies show many variations that states the earth will be the downfall of meteors in the near future and even though the technology today has advanced, but for the level of certainty of accuracy can not be trusted. Just as he said in 2012 that the earth will be split into two or precisely 8 March 2013 is expected to fall of the meteor that can make the earth is destroyed, but the fact is not so.So long as we are still in a state of good earth, we keep our earth. Actually, as long as we are not depleting the ozone layer, our Earth is safe. And to keep things that we need to reduce the energy consumption of excessive use of air especially condisioner and refrigerator, illegal logging which resulted in the depletion of oxygen (carbon dioxide can not be absorbed), nuclear weapons testing and the use of supersonic jets that can damage the earth and energy use to taste !!! "

Toefl's Questions

Questions Part 1

 1. Many people have devised methods dffdfdf they have measured time.

A) which
B) when
C) with which
D) in which
E) where

2. An archaeologist has found an ancient Egyptian town in Israel dffdfdfdiscovery suggests that Egyptian influence was wider than previously believed.

A) who
B) to whom
C) where
D) whose
E) in which

3. The suburbs are the places dffdfdfmany Americans moved to in the 1950s in the USA.

A) which
B) where
C) in which
D) of which
E) whose

4. Scientists are doing research on remote ecosystems, dffdfdfis the Arctic tundra.

A) which
B) that
C) through which
D) each of them
E) one of which

5. There are many interesting events dffdfdfin the night-time sky.

A) that observed
B) which are observing
C) being observed
D) having observed
E) whom observed

6. The years dffdfdfWorld War 2 were the time dffdfdfreturning veterans started to buy houses.

A) following / when
B) followed / that
C) that follow / why
D) which was followed / which
E) being followed / whom

7. dffdfdfpenicillin continues to be used widely, some strains of bacteria have developed a resistance to the drug.

A) Despite
B) Although
C) Due to
D) Therefore
E) So that

8. In the 1700s, England taxed tea, dffdfdfcoffee and wine.

A) while
B) moreover
C) in addition to
D) including
E) in contrast

9.  dffdfdf Albert Einstein became famous mainly for his work on relativity, he received the Nobel Prize for his work on photoelectric law.

A) Because
B) In case
C) As long as
D) Ever since
E) Despite the fact that

10. dffdfdfsome people like a great deal of variety in their lives, i am happier when my schedule is quite routine.

A) Due to the fact that
B) No matter what
C) However
D) Whereas
E) Accordingly
Answer :
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. E
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. E
10. D

Questions Part 2

Structure and Grammar — Part I
For the Error Identification questions, each sentence contains four underlined words or phrases. Select the one word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.
1. Last night, the director [A] finally wins [B] the award, after being nominated [C] more than [D] five times.
(A) director
(B) wins
(C) being nominated
(D) more than
2. Despite [A] Ed's threats of punishments [B], none of his sons were [C] willing to help [D] him mow the lawn.
(A) Despite
(B) punishments
(C) were
(D) to help

Structure and Grammar — Part II
In the Sentence Completion questions, one or more words are left out of each sentence. Under each sentence, you will see four words or phrases. Select the one word or phrase that completes the sentence correctly.
1. Juan quietly watches the bird _____ perches on his windowsill so he won't scare it away.
(A) that
(B) who
(C) which
(D) whom
2. Walking along the side of the road, ______.
(A) the car nearly hit me as it went by
(B) I was nearly hit by a car as it went by
(C) the car, which nearly hit me, went by
(D) it was the car that nearly hit me as it went by me


Part 1
1. B
2. C

Part 2
1. A
2. B


Selasa, 08 Maret 2016

My first video-bloging for English bussines’s softskill

Hi guys, this is my first video-blogging and presented for My English leacture, Mrs. Lindawati about Introductions.  Please take a look... maybe useful

Rabu, 30 Desember 2015

Etika Produk Rokok

       1. Pengertian Etika Bisnis 
          Menurut K. Bertens (2000 : 5), "Etika bisnis adalah pemikiran atau refleksi kritis tentang moralitas dalam kegiatan ekonomi bisnis. " 
Kemudian Bertens juga menyatakan bahwa bisnis yang ber"etika" merupakan bagian yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kegiatan bisnis itu sendiri, karena tujuan dari bisnis tidak hanya semata-mata memaksimalkan keuntungan saja yang akan mengakibatkan timbulnya keadaan yang tidak etis tetapi juga harus memperhatikan lingkungan bisnis atau disebut juga sebagai "the stakeholders benefit".
          Menurut M. Fuad dkk, (2003 : 1), "Bisnis tidak terlepas dari aktivitas produksi, pembelian, penjualan, maupun pertukaran barang dan jasa yang melibatkan orang atau perusahaan". Aktivitas dalam bisnis pada umumnya punya tujuan menghasilkan laba untuk kelangsungan hidup serta mengumpulkan cukup dana bagi pelaksanaan kegiatan si pelaku bisnis atau bisnisman itu sendiri.
2. Contoh Implementasi Etika Bisnis
          Disini saya akan mengambil contoh kasus PT Gudang Garam (Tbk), dimana PT Gudang Garam menayangkan produk rokok dibawah pukul 21.30. Hal ini dapat memicu daya tangkap anak tentang rokok, dimana anak-anak cenderung mencoba mamakai rokok, tanpa mereka mengetahui efek sampingnya. Jenis pelanggaran ini dikategorikan  sebagai pelanggaran terhadap perlindungan anak-anak dan remaja serta larangan dan pembatasan rokok.
      Referensi : 
Fuad, M dkk. 2003. Pengantar Bisnis. Jakarta :PT Gramedia PustakaUtama.
Arijanto. Agus. 2011. Etika Bisnis Bagi Pelaku Bisnis. Jakarta : Rajawali Pers.
Pengantar Etika Bisnis This One SERI FILSAFAT ATMAJAYA: 21 Pengantar Etika Bisnis K. Bertens

Jumat, 09 Oktober 2015


Menurut K. Bertens (2000 : 5), "Etika bisnis adalah pemikiran atau refleksi kritis tentang moralitas dalam kegiatan ekonomi bisnis. "
Kemudian Bertens juga menyatakan bahwa bisnis yang ber"etika" merupakan bagian yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kegiatan bisnis itu sendiri, karena tujuan dari bisnis tidak hanya semata-mata memaksimalkan keuntungan saja yang akan mengakibatkan timbulnya keadaan yang tidak etis tetapi juga harus memperhatikan lingkungan bisnis atau disebut juga sebagai "the stakeholders benefit".
Menurut M. Fuad dkk, (2003 : 1), "Bisnis tidak terlepas dari aktivitas produksi, pembelian, penjualan, maupun pertukaran barang dan jasa yang melibatkan orang atau perusahaan". Aktivitas dalam bisnis pada umumnya punya tujuan menghasilkan laba untuk kelangsungan hidup serta mengumpulkan cukup dana bagi pelaksanaan kegiatan si pelaku bisnis atau bisnisman itu sendiri.

2. Contoh Implementasi Etika Bisnis
Disini saya akan mengambil contoh kasus PT Gudang Garam (Tbk), dimana PT Gudang Garam menayangkan produk rokok dibawah pukul 21.30. Jenis pelanggaran ini dikategorikan  sebagai pelanggaran terhadap perlindunag anak-anak dan remaja serta larangan dan pembatasan rokok.

Referensi : 
Fuad, M dkk. 2003. Pengantar Bisnis. Jakarta :PT Gramedia PustakaUtama.
Arijanto. Agus. 2011. Etika Bisnis Bagi Pelaku Bisnis. Jakarta : Rajawali Pers.
Pengantar Etika Bisnis This One SERI FILSAFAT ATMAJAYA: 21 Pengantar Etika Bisnis K. Bertens

Selasa, 11 November 2014

Tulisan 2 : Opini mengenai 10 tahun kepemimpinan SBY dan harapan baru untuk presiden terpilih

1. Tanggapanku terhadap 10 tahun kepemimpinan SBY, yaitu :
     Sebelumya saya ucapkan terima kasih terhadap bapak SBY yang sudah memimpin NKRI dengan baik. Walaupun masih ada kekurangan dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Era SBY saya kira pembangunan infrastruktur di daerah masih kurang merata dan masih banyak oknum yang hanya mementingkan kepentingan pribadi, misalnya kasus korupsi yang kian merebak di saat kepemimpinan SBY akan berakhir dan saya tidak suka dulu saat SBY menaikkan harga BBM, padahal negara kiat ini kaya akan hasil minyak.. kenapa kita harus membeli hasil tambang neagara kita dengan harga yang mahal pak ?? . Dari sektor olahraga juga Indonesia mengalami penurunan baik dari sektor infrastruktur maupun prestasinya itu sendiri. Sedangkan yang lainnya saya rasa cukup berkembang untuk di bidang ekonomi Indonesia.

2. Harapan untuk presiden terpilih
    Pertama... kembalikan negara Indonesia kembali ke negara maritim, dimana negara ini kaya akan hasil laut, janga sampai laut kita hanya menjadi tempat penampungan sumber daya dan kita hanya bisa melihat oknum-oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab mengambilnya.
   Kedua... kalau bisa kebijakan menaikkan harga BBM, mohon untuk dikaji ulang.. apakah dibutuhkan ??
   Ketiga... Kembalikan NKRI sebagai negara yang kuat di bidang Olahraga, Militer,  dan Ekonomi.

Selamat bekerja buat presiden terpilih dan terima kasih banyak untuk pengabdian bapak SBY selama 10 tahun ini.